Thank you, Comedy Central, thank you

What is it about Friends? It just the best television show ever! I think I've probably seen every episode at least twice thanks to Comedy Central but I can't seem to get enough of it! What's your favourite Friends character? I think mine is Phoebe, she is so cool! Smelly Cat rules, end of story.
So now that exam's are over, all I have is re-runs of Friends and season three of Teen Wolf and an operation in thirteen days to look forward to. I'm going to be off my leg for a while so I have a list of movie's to catch up with. Any recommendation's would be much appreciated!

Bird print dress, H&M || Brown sandals, New Look || 'M' ring, Matalan

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  1. Thank you for your lovely comment and following my blog! I absolutely love yours, it is so vintage and I love your photos...especially this post!

    Xenia x

  2. You are so beautiful! Nice blog:)

    xx Marianne

  3. Beautiful picture! I love the flowers.

  4. Gorgeous! You are so pretty and these shots are a dream. Your blog is the cutest. Ooh for films, I just watched Ruby Sparks and that was really good!

    Greta xoxo


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