Catch Up

Exam's are finally over...until January anyway! I finally have enough time to read my books again and get around to watching Teen Wolf. Can I just say, is there an episode where the first ten minutes does not involve one of the pack taking there shirts off? Not that I'm complaining, but still!
I love this dress, it's so versatile and, duh, it's cream and lacy! What more could I ask for? Summer is just around the corner so I've been breaking out last years play suits and sandals, discovering along the way that I have accumulated waaaaay to many clothes! In need of a real late spring clean!
Cream dress, River Island || Flower crown, Primark

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  1. Amazing pictures! Great that you decided to be a part of my giveaway!;)
    I am following you

  2. You're SO pretty! Lovely pictures!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!! XX
    (p.s: Thank you for following me, I'm following you back-love your blog!)


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